【演講公告】ChatGPT Applications in Healthcare – Mosaic ML 技術長&共同創辦人 湯漢林博士
講題:ChatGPT Applications in Healthcare
講者:MosaicML 技術長&共同創辦人 湯漢林博士
時間:2023.04.07 (五) 1:30pm
- 普林斯頓大學 物理學士
- 哈佛大學 生物物理學博士
- 英特爾(Intel)人工智慧實驗室 主任研究員暨資深主任
- Mosaic ML 技術長&共同創辦人
Dr. Hanlin Tang is the CTO and Co-founder of Mosaic ML, an AI startup building algorithms and platforms for efficient AI training. Previously, Hanlin was the Senior Director of the Intel AI Lab, a global team research and engineers responsible for topics that include computer vision, reinforcement learning, and AI systems. Hanlin was previously at Nervana Systems, a deep learning startup that was acquired by Intel in 2016. He holds a PhD from Harvard University in biophysics and a BA in Physics from Princeton University. His research has appeared in journals such as Neuron, PNAS, Scientific Reports and conferences such as NeurIPS, ICLR, and ICML.