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【AI Seminar】Towards Hyperdemocracy: AI-empowered Crowd-scale Discussion Support Platform by Prof. Takayuki Ito, Head of Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University

Prof. Takayuki Ito Talk

Topic: Towards Hyperdemocracy: AI-empowered Crowd-scale Discussion Support Platform
Speaker: Prof. Takayuki Ito, Head of Department of Social Informatics, School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
Time:2022.11.8 (Tue) 14:00-16:00
Venue: CGU Artificial Intelligence Research Center (Management Building 11F)
Join Online: https://shorturl.at/lrPQZ

About the Speaker:
Dr. Takayuki ITO is Professor of Kyoto University. He received the Doctor of Engineering from the Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2000. He was a JSPS research fellow, an associate professor of JAIST, and a visiting scholar at USC/ISI, Harvard University, and MIT twice. He was a board member of IFAAMAS, the PC-chair of AAMAS2013, PRIMA2009, General-Chair of PRIMA2014, IEEE ICA2016, is the Local Arrangements Chair of IJCAI2020, and was a SPC/PC member in many top-level conferences (IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI, AAAI, etc). He received the JSAI Achievement Award, the JSPS Prize, the Fundamental Research Award of JSSST, the Prize for Science and Technology of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), the Young Scientists' Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT, the Nagao Special Research Award of IPSJ, the Best Paper Award of AAMAS2006, the 2005 Best Paper Award of JSSST, and the Super Creator Award of 2004 IPA Exploratory Software Creation Project. He was a JST PREST Researcher, and a principal investigator of the Japan Cabinet Funding Program for Next Generation World-Leading Researchers. He is currently principal investigator of JST CREST project.

Talk Abstract:
Online discussion among civilian is important and essential for next-generation democracy. Providing good support is critical for establishing and maintaining coherent discussions. Large-scale online discussion platforms are receiving great attention as potential next-generation methods for smart democratic citizen platforms. Such platforms require support functions that can efficiently achieve a consensus, reasonably integrate ideas, and discourage flaming. Researchers are developing several crowd-scale discussion platforms and conducting social experiments with a local government. One of these studies employed human facilitators in order to achieve good discussion. However, they clarified the critical problem faced by human facilitators caused by the difficulty of facilitating large-scale online discussions. In this work, we propose an automated facilitation agent to manage crowd-scale online discussions. An automated facilitator agent extracts the discussion structure from the texts posted in discussions by people. We conducted a large-scale social experiment with Nagoya City's local government.

Organizers: Artificial Intelligence Research Center & College of Intelligent Computing

※ No registration needed.

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